The project entails the uplifting of a remote mountain community of 15,000 people in northeast Bali from poverty, ill-health, and minimal access to markets and education. Initial mortality rates were well above the world’s average, ill-health was marked with skin diseases, colds and significant cases of goitres and the presence of cretinism. The illiteracy level was 83% and access to schooling was severely limited. With the support of private sector donor funding, in the order of US$2 million over the decade to 2009, and application of a holistic approach to the many issues across the various villages comprising the community, a complete change round in the future of the people has been achieved. The project started with attention to health, provision of good access and attention to water supply, and teaching and assisting the villagers to grow and husband some key crops to improve diet. Today, mortality levels and general health standards exceed world norms. A major current focus concerns sanitation, driven by the community itself, and the planting of bamboo and neem trees (Azadiracta indica), which are expected to add value to the economy of the local economy.
Actual Services provided:
• General ongoing across-the-board advice and serving as Commissioner on Yayasan
• Responsible for bringing in Thames Water support for water supply from springs and ancillary water related actions – £70,000. General water-related advice
• Responsible for engaging RBS for US$14,000 grant for the construction of individual toilets in 2 of the villages
• Active in reviewing renewable energy alternatives for provision of power to the mostly isolated villages and for supporting the solar power now installed in the schools
• The project is the Indonesian centre for the International Vetiver Network; responsible for introducing into Public Works
• The project has undertaken consultancy work for the ADB and regional clients