To undertake an initial project identification and pre-feasibility assessment of possible targets for Infrastructure Enhancement Grants for funding in 2010 within the water, sanitation and solid waste sectors in 8 local governments to determine whether the local government plans for water and sanitation connections in the fiscal year 2010, particularly those for low income households meet the IndII criteria for grant funding under the WSI water and sanitation hibah.
Actual Services provided:
• Site visits to all 8 local governments to meet with the mayors, Bupatis and heads of relevant technical agencies such as Bappeda and Public Works, especially the PDAMs and PDPALs to give presentations on the IndII water and sanitation hibah program and process;
• determine the level of commitment of the local governments to participation in the project and check their allocated funds for water and sanitation in the 2010 APBD budget;
• check progress to date on the installation of new household water and sanitation connections and visit those areas where new connections are planned for 2010 and 2011;
• assist local governments, where necessary, in adjusting their budgets and targets fit more comfortably within the hibah program;
• coordinating the visits of local government officers to Jakarta to present their final proposals and budgets for IEG funding to representatives of IndII, Bappenas and the Department of Public Works, Cipta Karya;
• Production of draft and final reports on the proposed IEG sanitation grant requests of each of the eight local governments involved for IndII; and
• Assisting the selected local governments in the preparation of the formal documentation for IEG funding assistance.