The main object of the study was to develop an ‘issues and concept’ paper that educated the reader about the current status of urban drainage in Indonesia and outlined a series of key programming options for a possible IndII-financed urban drainage program. In essence, a well reasoned paper that examines the rationale for the Australian Government to include urban drainage in its portfolio of water and sanitation grant projects under IndII.
Actual Services provided:
Interviews were carried out with central and provincial government agencies with a mandate for managing urban drainage as well as interviews with the major multi-lateral and bi-lateral organizations providing funding for urban drainage in a very short period. The project was carried out by a small team of highly experienced and qualified experts all of whom were resident in Indonesia and thoroughly familiar with the workings of government and completed to the satisfaction of the client in a very short time frame. The project was concerned with a very important and particularly topical aspect of infrastructure development.
The integrated nature of the causes of urban flooding and the scale of the flooding in many of the larger cities means that major civil works are required costing millions of dollars. The kinds of interventions that are beyond the budget of the usual IndII grants and TAs are, in fact, being funded largely by the multi-lateral and bi-lateral donor agencies with the support of APBN and APDB budgets. The project listed a number of smaller interventions that would be more suited to an IndII urban drainage support program.