Project Description

Client: Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia (MCA-I) Location: Sumba, Lombok, Sumbawa

The Challenges

A large number of rural communities in Indonesia live in poverty with low electrification ratios; many remote communities lack access to any power at all with little expectation of being supplied on-grid power by PLN, the state-owned electricity company. Under the Green Prosperity Facility, MCA-I called for Grant Applicants to identify, design, develop, construct and operate community-owned renewable energy (RE) power generation and distribution projects of a capacity of between 300 kW and 1.5 MW (micro-hydro). PT Glendale was selected as the lead consultant by PT Nusatama Berkah, one of the successful Applicants, to carry out RE feasibility studies in five remote locations in Indonesia: Lombok, Sumba, West Sumbawa and East Sumbawa.

Actual Services provided:
Site surveys and field studies of each area’s hydro-electric power potential for micro -hydro were carried as well as surveys of the areas’ natural resources, socio-economic conditions and environmental risks posed by the projects both at the local level and at the regional level through landscape-lifescape analysis. Projects found to be technically feasible and environmentally sound were subject to financial and economic evaluation. Only two of the five sites were found to be technically, economically and environmentally feasible; the other sites had no demand since all villages within 10 km of the micro-hydro sites were connected to the PLN grid.