The planned High-Speed Rail link between Jakarta and Bandung that was approved under PERPRES 107/2015 will have two stops in between the two cities at Karawang and Walini.
The local government in association with a private investor and a State-Owned-Enterprise (SOE) would like to develop some 1,270 ha of land in the Walini area on either side of the proposed route of the high-speed rail link into a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) area consisting of a new town/city housing around 200,000 people to begin with and consisting of a mix of residential, leisure, commercial and industrial zones.
The project has been reviewed by the Ministry of Land Affairs and Spatial Planning (Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/BPN) and a number of issues relating to the current spatial planning zones in the Walini area, combined with potentially serious environmental concerns, have been identified that require further study and clarification. These concerns include but are not limited to: the area’s susceptibility to land slips, a large proportion of land with slopes >35%, the lack of both adequate supplies of groundwater and surface water, the seismic risk in the area and the potential conflict in the land zoning classification for Walini TOD. PT Glendale were contracted by KCIC, at the request of the government, to conduct a ‘fast-track’ (one month) independent review of the land-use planning and technical issues raised by the Ministry. Glendale sub-contracted the water supply studies to PT Mott McDonald Ltd and retained Dr. Iman Sadisun, Associate Professor of Engineering Geology at ITB as the geological consultant